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Weekend service options:
Greener Lots operates Monday through Friday, Early morning hours, including Saturday, and Sunday hours are available based on specific needs discussed during your 15-minute Estimate.
We’ll work with you to find the most effective schedule for your property.
Ask about these Separate Services:
Special event cleanup
Construction site cleanup
Visit for additional details:
Schedule A
Litter is defined as cigarette butts and all forms of paper, plastic, aluminum, and glass debris.
Contractor shall remove litter from Exterior Areas* on site including from all paved areas, dumpster enclosures, drainage or catch basins, loading dock ramps, sidewalks, stairwells, and from all landscaped areas, including planters, trees, and shrubbery.
Contractor shall empty all common area litter containers and replace liners as necessary, put garbage in the designated bins on site, empty cigarette urns, and ashtrays, and damp wipe all lids as needed.
Contractor shall sweep lot gutters (area adjacent to curb or sidewalk) as needed. Contractor shall report to property management any property damage, lighting issues, graffiti, illegal dumping on site and any potential liability conditions including icy conditions or damage to exterior areas*.
Contractor shall promptly report any evidence of homeless living, scavenging from bins or possible drug or alcohol use on site to property management.
All work is to be performed on foot After Store Hours** to ensure the work is done effectively.
*Exterior Areas – means the areas exterior to the building(s) at the referenced site.
**After Store Hours – means the period of time after the last business closes for the day until 9:00 AM. This time frame offers the least amount of vehicle traffic providing superior conditions for litter visibility and worker safety.
Power sweeping of the parking lot to remove dirt or sand is NOT including as part of Litter Removal Schedule A.